
  • Shrimping 101: Nautical Know-How

    Tide, Tacticsand Techniques In this document the process of Shrimping is outlined. The information here is meant to serve as a first version, to be improved upon by subsequent shrimpers.

  • The Art of Intuitive Card Payment Terminals

    The Art of Intuitive  Card Payment Terminals

    I am a fan of card payment terminals – the devices in shops and restaurants through which we pay with cards. They are a good example of how digitalization changes how we interact with services. The wallet-digging exercise has been turned into a card swipe. Instead of exchanging cash, we can nowadays use card terminals[…]Read…

  • How 3D Printing Catalyzes Creativity and Enhances Design Skills

    How 3D Printing Catalyzes Creativity and Enhances Design Skills

    We believe that integrating 3D printing into our design workflow helps us to be better designers.

  • Design Practice

    Our design practice defines how we understand our role as design practitioners in the tech world. It consists of a set of defining principles that we believe are the fundamental ground informing our design decisions, and a base line process, that we apply to the needs of the challenge ahead. Principles Understanding Our design practice[…]Read…

  • Design Process

    One thing is for sure: At Block Zero we take pride in not moving too fast and breaking things on the way. We tailor every process with a care for details and spend the time we need on making beautiful and user friendly solutions to every design problem we encounter. While our applied processes and[…]Read…