Daily Life

Work hours and flex

At Block Zero we have flexible working hours. This means that you can begin and end your day when it fits you and your project team. We expect and trust our employees to work as much as needed to solve their task. We will expect you to attend customer meetings at uncomfortable times and sometimes put in those extra hours for a deadline. But we also expect and trust you to take that time back and get the rest you need. In addition to this we also have a generous vacation plan.

Flex hours are tracked in QBIS, but you are yourself responsible for making sure you are somewhat in balance. Flex hours cannot be used as vacation days and are not monetarily compensated for. They can only be taken out when your current tasks allows for it. Make sure you even these out and don’t build up a huge bank of hours, since taking many hours out at the same time may not be possible.

Standard office hours are 9.00-17.00, and in general we try to keep meetings and mandatory stuff inside those. A full work week is 40h, excluding lunch breaks.

You can see your current flex status in QBIS under Time/Overview

Reporting time

The reason why we’re time reporting is so that we can follow up on projects, make sure we spend our time on the right things and in some cases to bill customers correctly.

Below you will find more information about reporting your time in QBIS. If you need further assistance, please contact the Studio Administrator. You can find QBIS here: https://apps.qbis.se

Working time and activity time

When you report time in QBIS, your ‘working time’ must match your ‘activity time’ and vice versa. This means if you worked 40 hours, you must account for all of it in the activity planner.


You must report all deviations, whether it’s a type of absence or flex time. You must make the necessary changes to your working time as well as report the deviation in ‘deviations’ section on your timesheet.

Your Timesheet

Your timesheet needs to be closed by the end of working hours each Friday. Once your report is closed, it is reviewed to make sure all your hours match and add up. If they do, you report is approved and sent in to the accountants. If there are any further questions, you will be contacted by the Studio Administrator before your report is approved for the accountants.


Here, we could insert multiple jokes and gifs regarding the never ending stream of meetings that we fill our lives with! But the truth is that meetings are necessary, and often very inspiring and fruitful! We have several rooms that work excellent for meetings, with or without customers. We book the meeting rooms in Google Calendar. As a courtesy, we ask that you let your colleagues know if you book Thunderdome (we know, cool right!?) at lunch time.

All meetings are remote by default. If physical presence is needed you need to state that clearly in the invitation. Make sure that remote participants can participate in a good way, so make sure you have a good sound and video setup, avoid using the whiteboard etc.